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louise beare
Quicky Chord Improv
This is another example of me stepping out of my comport zone of improvising and having a go. If you would like some help with chord...
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louise beare
Fun Videos
On our trip to Australia this year to see our daughter, we visited a beautiful park in NSW and had an interesting experience which I...
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louise beare
Natures Harmonies Series - Part 3
This is a series of vlogs with pictures of our travels along with music that I play - either a cover or my own composition or...
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louise beare
Roadblocks in the life of a thriving christian artist looking at opposites I choose FEAR fear is a complex word it can be positive but...
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louise beare
Old Man Platypus - found him at last!
Travelling to Australia this summer we had a wonderful trip to far north Queensland with our daughter for a few days. We started off in...
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